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Maxon Cinema 4D R11 Multilanguage

您可能感興趣: Max Engineer illustrator photoshop Adobe 
Maxon Cinema 4D R11 Multilanguage
Maxon Cinema 4D R11 Multilanguage 英/日/韓文多國語言正式版(DVD版)(3D動畫製作)

CINEMA 4D 的操作介面簡單、人性化,以及容易上手等特點皆讓你可以專心致力於
產品設計的過程中,而不用擔心技術上的問題。在 CAD 軟體配合方面,CINEMA 4D
的檔案承接能力很強,不會有破面或鋸齒等問題產生,且會保留原本在CAD 軟體中
做好的所有分件。CINEMA 4D 的算圖速度可堪稱是設計軟體裡的翹楚,在眾多專業
3D 繪圖軟體中引領風騷。

另外,CINEMA 4D 的 Bodypaint 3D 模組,可以輕鬆的讓你畫出物品的草稿圖,也
可對 3D 物件表面進行手繪動作,即使是複雜的高階曲面。

用 CINEMA 4D 的 Sketch and Toon 模組, 可以將 3D 模型線框圖匯出成 Adobe
illustrator 的向量式線稿,在向量繪圖軟體裡繼續被編輯 ( 例如做爆炸圖 ) ,

This is the software the movies use! Polar Express is one example below.

Easy to Use, Professional 3D Animation Software

The next generation, representing two decades of excellence.

The eleventh generation of CINEMA 4D is another milestone in the development of
professional 3D software and a testament to two decades of excellence by MaxON's
programming team. Professional 3D animation tools have never been easier to use.

The Easiest To Use 3D Application

CINEMA 4D's intuitive interface and logical workflow make it possible for those
new to 3D artistry to dive in and be productive quickly. Feedback is smooth and
interactive so you can let your creativity run free.

State-of-the-Art Technology

CINEMA 4D's state-of-the-art architecture means it is always the first to
benefit from new technologies and advancements - 64-bit support on Windows and
Mac OS or Multiprocessing to name a few. MaxON is a development partner of many
leading IT companies, including Intel and Apple. As such MaxON has early access
to many future technologies which makes it possible to tailor our products
accordingly. Our customers can rely on latest technology and Maximum security
for their investment.

Modularity makes it suitable for all industries.

The core application contains everything you need to create high-end 3D images
and animations. For those artists whose work demands more than the basic
application, MaxON provides numerous seamlessly integrated modules. Modules can
also be purchased individually or in affordable bundles. For specific
industries, such as architecture and Engineering, MaxON also offers Editions
that contain specially tailored functionality.

There is a CINEMA 4D to satisfy the needs of every artist and industry that
utilizes 3D graphics. Take a tour through our solutions pages to see where
CINEMA 4D dominates and thrives worldwide - then download a demo version and
convince yourself.

CINEMA 4D is available in several languages including English, German, French,
Spanish, and more

Non-Linear Animation

Move beyond the keyframe with the new non-linear animation system in CINEMA 4D
Release 11. With non-linear animation, it's easy to build, layer and loop
discreet motions containing hundreds of keyframes in complex hierarchies. You
can easily block out animation based on predefined motions and build upon the
basic movement by overlaying additional keyframes or motions.

Animation Layers
Animation layers allow you to build up a complex movement from individual
layers, much like editing an image. You can block out the basic movement on one
layer, then refine the motion with secondary animation layered on top. Define
the "opacity" of each animation layer to control its influence over the final
movement. In fact, you can animate the mix strength of each layer. Animation
layers even work with complex hierarchies, allowing you to layer the animation
of even the most complex character rigs.

Motion Clips
Motion Clips provide true non-linear animation functionality by allowing you to
group complex keyframe animations on an entire hierarchy into a single clip that
can be easily moved, layered or looped. Whether you're building motions for a
character, defining presets animations for motion graphics or designing
mechanical simulations, you can easily create a library of motions that can be
dragged and dropped like video clips to define the final animation.

CINEMA 4D automatically blends between each motion, or allows you to define the
length and curve of the transition. Each clip can easily be looped, scaled or
cropped; and just as with animation layers, motion clips can be layered with
individual mix strength settings for each layer. The animation itself can be
easily repositioned in 3D space using CINEMA 4D's new Pivot Object, making it
easy to integrate your motions with one another and place the animation within
the 3D environment.

These little helpers come in handy if you need to change the direction of e.g. a
walking character, without changing the walkcycle itself. Or if the character
walks upon a moving surface (elevator, escalator). In this case only the pivot
needs to be animated (move or rotate) and the character follows immediately.

MaxON, August 12, 2008 - MaxON Computer, a leading developer of professional 3D
modeling, painting, animation and rendering solutions, today unveiled CINEMA 4D
Release 11 (R11), the next generation of its highly acclaimed 3D animation
software suite. The super-charged release is packed with advanced capabilities
that deliver dramatically improved ease of use and workflow, image quality and
integration into any production pipeline. CINEMA 4D R11 highlights include a
non-linear animation system, new global illumination render engine and
dramatically improved render speed. Customers also benefit from the powerful
Projection Man matte painting system, developed by MaxON for Sony Pictures
Imageworks, support for the COLLADA?file format and CineMan - a RenderMan-
compliant tool that connects to Pixar's industry-leading rendering solution.
Additionally, multiple improvements were made to MaxON's popular texture
painting toolset BodyPaint 3D Release 4. All of these capabilities and more
serve to underscore MaxON's ongoing and deep commitment to helping 3D digital
artists further advance creativity and control.

"MaxON has spent the last 20 years developing some of the industry's most
advanced 3D software technologies; continually raising the bar for 3D animation
software excellence," said Harald Egel, CEO and co-founder, MaxON. "CINEMA 4D
R11 is no exception. This release contains the next-generation features our
customers worldwide have come to expect from MaxON."

Expanded integration options, new workflow tools and boosts in performance for
both PC and Mac users sit at the heart of the new release. On average, rendering
speeds are now more than twice as fast as the previous version. CINEMA 4D R11
also boasts an all-new Cocoa-based architecture supporting 64-bit processing
under Mac OS X Leopard.

"We are pleased, that MaxON has created the CineMan connection to Pixar's
RenderMan directly from within CINEMA 4D," said Chris Ford, Business Director -
RenderMan at Pixar. "Now MaxON customers can benefit from Pixar's Academy Award
-winning rendering technology, featured in Ratatouille, The Incredibles and many

"Our customers told us what they needed and we listened," said Paul Babb,
president and CEO of the MaxON US Office . "This exciting new version is as
ideal for the novice as it is for the power user who wants to produce compelling
imagery in today's fast-paced environments."

CINEMA 4D Release 11 Highlights:
The list of capabilities and enhancements that comprise the new CINEMA 4D R11 is
extensive; with each element designed to provide ultimate control to enhance the
professional 3D modeling, texturing, animating and rendering process:

- Non-Linear Animation
Move beyond the keyframe. Animation Layers and Motion Clips tools let users
easily build, layer and loop discreet motions containing hundreds of keyframes
in complex hierarchies.

- Completely New Global Illumination
Take advantage of the most current algorithms and computer hardware with the all
new easy to use Global Illumination engine. This technology delivers heightened
flexibility to achieve ultra-realistic results with a minimum of setup time,
even for animations.

- BodyPaint 3D
New tools for painting rich, detailed textures onto a 3D model as well as an
improved workflow are part of this major upgrade to the popular 3D painting
application. The improvements facilitate even tighter integration into industry
-standard painting pipelines with brush import, WACOM tablet support, PSD format
enhancement and more.

- Improved Rendering Speeds
Tremendous optimizations in multithreading and CPU efficiency offer dramatically
improved rendering speeds. Overall render quality has been greatly enhanced as
well. New parameters make it possible to create even more realistic glass

- Projection Man
Leverage the same powerful matte painting system originally developed by MaxON
exclusively for Sony Pictures Imageworks and recently used to create such
blockbuster features as Hancock, Speed Racer, Beowulf and Surf's Up. This
formerly exclusive toolset enhances workflow and makes it easy to create and
patch the mattes. Tight integration with Adobe photoshop and MaxON BodyPaint 3D
simplifies editing and manipulating extensive digital mattes and even fully
immersive 3D environments.

- CineMan
Power users can easily render CINEMA 4D projects utilizing Pixar's RenderMan Pro
Server, or other RenderMan-compliant engines including 3Delight (dna research)
and AIR (SiTex Graphics) through support for the RIB format.

- COLLADA Support
R11 now supports COLLADA, an open standard XML-based format that facilitates the
transfer of 3D assets between applications. Exchanging scenes with other 3D
applications is now easier than ever for diverse Digital Content Creation (DCC)
production pipelines.

- Customer Friendly
An online update mechanism ensures users always have access to the latest
updates and enhancements. A new license server technology helps corporations,
studios and schools Maximize and manage their investment.

- Additional Features
CINEMA 4D R11 also boasts optimized render control settings, animation ghosting,
a doodle tool and support for 3D Connexion devices (Mac and Windows). For a
complete list and description of all the exceptional elements that comprise this
new feature-rich version of CINEMA 4D, please visit the products pages

Extensive CINEMA 4D R11 tutorials and demonstrations can be found on the MaxON
U.S. 24/7 education and training resource site, Cineversity.

CINEMA 4D Release 11 is expected to ship September, 2008. For pricing and
upgrade information, please visit
  • MaxON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.5 MULTiLANGUAGE 英文正式版(Cinema 4D 動畫版軟體)(DVD版)
  • MaxON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.008 英文正式版( 3D 彩繪軟體)
  • Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R21.023 3D動畫建模設計工具 英文/簡體中文版(DVD版)
  • Maxon Cinema 4D Studio R12 簡體中文/英文正式版(DVD版)
  • MaxON CINEMA 4D R13 (R13.016 Build RC45040) Retail Multilingual 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(三維建模、繪圖、動畫和渲染軟件)(DVD9版)
  • MaxON CINEMA 4D V10.5 英文正式版(三維圖像設計軟體)
  • Maxon Cinema 4D Studio R20.030 3D 動畫製作 英文/簡體中文版

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